Monday, July 5, 2010

The story of passion and daring


This afternoon I visited Chifley library with my mom and then we had a nice lunch picnic at ANU garden, in front of the Melville Hall.

We often sit on this "seating" so many times, but my mom has just discovered "how amazing the place where we sat".

It is not a usual cutting tree. If we look at it more carefully, it pictures a cross section of double tree rings! How amazing! Maybe it was cut under its branch. That's why it has double tree rings. My mom is not a dendrochronologist, of course. Well, we have tried to calculate the age of the tree. It is said that the light ring is formed during spring, when the tree receives enough rain. The dark ring is formed during summer. If one year equals one light ring and one dark ring .... then .... maybe the tree is 23 years old or more. It is much older than I am.

My mom told me that we can learn from the tree rings. She said the tree rings tell us about "the story of passion and daring", how it deals with happy (spring) and difficult time (summer, fall, winter).